In St Mary’s, we actively promote and encourage all pupils to achieve 100% attendance and we expect all pupils to attend school every day, as long as they are fit and healthy to do so. We recognise the vital role that parents play and that there is a need to establish strong links and both clear and regular communication systems to enable this to happen.
We are charged by the Welsh Government to ensure attendance is as high as possible. Attendance figures are monitored by the school’s Educational Social Worker who will intervene where attendance figures are deemed to be a concern.
All absences, apart from illness must be authorised by the Headteacher.
All holidays taken during term time, except in exceptional circumstances, will be unauthorised.
An ‘Absence Request form (exceptional circumstances only)’ can be obtained by clicking Absent Request Form September 2024 for ‘time limited’ authorised absence only in exceptional circumstances.
Please note: The Local Authority now has the power to issues fines to families for unauthorised absences. (Please see Attendance Policy – school website).