As a former pupil of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, it is a great pleasure and privilege to be Headteacher of such a happy, successful and thriving Catholic school family.
On behalf of the children, staff and governors of St Mary’s, a very warm welcome to our school website. I am delighted that you have taken the time to take a look and hope that you find the information both useful and interesting.
Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions that you will make. As parents, you want your child to be happy, safe and to receive the very best education in order that they may grow in their faith and be encouraged to develop as ambitious, independent learners.
St Mary’s is an exciting place to learn. We offer a very rich, personalised curriculum for all learners where each child contributes to shaping their learning experiences within purposeful, authentic contexts.
Our dedicated and forward-thinking staff have a shared commitment to providing high quality care, support and guidance for all pupils at St Mary’s. We all work together to strive for the highest levels of well-being and achievement and value the progress made by each and every member of our school community.
We are pleased to be able to offer a very comprehensive ‘wrap around’ care facility within our ‘Cool Kids’ Club’ which is run by a very dedicated committee. We also have an active and hardworking ‘Friends of St Mary’s’ group and parents are encouraged to play an active part in the life of the school in many different ways.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you would like to arrange a visit. We would be delighted to provide a guided tour of our wonderful school.
With warmest regards,