Parent Testimonials

We are very pleased and proud to share some wonderful parent testimonials about our school. We hope you enjoy reading them.

(Provided January 2025)


 Parent Questionnaires (January 2025)

Thank you to all the parents/carers who took the time to complete the recent Parent Questionnaire.

We are delighted to share your very positive feedback below.

Our response to some parent suggestions raised…

How can I learn about my child’s progress in school?

  • Please be aware that there are 3 planned parents’ evenings to share your child’s learning and progress with you. Beyond these meetings, we operate an open-door policy, where parents can speak to class teachers in order to gain an update on your child’s progress or answer any other questions/ queries. Seesaw is also used to provide an insight into your child’s learning on a daily/ weekly basis.

How does school communicate with parents in a clear and timely manner?

  • The school uses a range of means to communicate clearly and regularly with all parents and carers.
  • Please ensure you have signed up to your child’s Seesaw account for daily updates/ communication about class activities and school events. Often events will be pinned to your child’s account. It’s a good idea for both parents to join Seesaw, particularly if both parents work.
  • The Headteacher prepares a comprehensive digital weekly newsletter where school based/ class events and activities are publicised in advance.
  • The school calendar is displayed on the school website. Please sign up to the calendar via the link on the website. This will help all parents plan for events and activities in advance.
  • Term dates for the year are on the school website and weekly newsletter, including INSET DAYs ( Staff Development Days)

How does school seek my views and consider my feedback?

  • Feedback forms are often used after events but this is something we need to do more often.
  • Parent questionnaires are usually sent out annually and we will ensure that this happens at least once a year.
  • We operate an open-door policy, where parents and carers views and suggestions matter. Please do take up the opportunity to speak to a member of staff if you have an idea or a worry or concern. First of all please speak to your child’s teacher and after that, if you have not received a satisfactory solution, Mrs Robertson (FP), Mrs Gillett (KS 2), Mrs Jones (Assistant Headteacher) and Mrs Acton (Headteacher) will always make time to speak with you. It is so important to us that we listen to what you have to say and work to resolve any issues together. We are here to work in partnership with you all.