Well-being and Pastoral Support

“Promoting pupils’ wellbeing is central to the school’s philosophy and ethos. Staff and pupils create a very caring and supportive environment for all members of the school community to share and enjoy.”

 Estyn Inspection  Report 2019

“Provision for pupils’ well-being is central to the school’s ethos and mission.  The pastoral care programme provides a comprehensive range of interventions to support pupils who are vulnerable or who have additional needs – this programme is a real strength of the school. Much work is also done to ensure that those pupils for whom English is an additional language are provided with the necessary support to achieve well and to thrive. Parents and pupils appreciate the love and care shown to them and say that they feel safe and cared for.”

Diocesan Section 50 Inspection December 2019

Well-being, Mental Health and Staying Safe Information Dashboard

Mental Health Week 2024


Pastoral Support

It is so important to us that each child enjoys their time at St Mary’s and has
the appropriate support to flourish. We offer a range of ‘Nurture Groups’ to
support pupils who are experiencing a range of difficulties that may impact on their
learning or emotional well-being, e.g. Fun Friends, Well-being groups
Feedback from pupils is always extremely positive.