Mission and Values

‘Dysgu a Charu, Gofalu a Rhannu- trwy’r Neges Crist’

‘Learning and Loving, Caring and Sharing, through the Message of Christ’

In 2015, the Mission Statement was fully reviewed and amended by the School Council, the Mission and Purpose Governor SAC and the Headteacher. A competition was held where the children were invited to create an image to reflect the Mission Statement – ‘Learning and Loving, Caring and Sharing- through the Message of Christ’- and thus the five loaves and two fish ‘logo’ was created by Ethan Owens, a former pupil.

The Mission Statement and its ‘logo’ is included on all school documentation as its message is at the heart of everything we believe at St Mary’s.

Each year, our Mission Statement is reviewed by a representative group of children, staff and governors.

This year in September 2019, our newly formed ‘Messengers of Christ’ reviewed the Mission Statement. These children were nominated by their peers as excellent role models who live out the Mission Statement of our school.

St Mary’s Mission Statement (Last reviewed September 2019)